Wednesday 22 June 2011

Please Comment On All Photographs.

The title for my project is ‘Vanity’. The focus for my research has been based on the differences and similarities between contemporary Western body art and traditional, non-Western body adornment and decoration. My practical work has focused on tribal body art.

Please Comment On The Photographs Below. Answer Questions If Possible. All Feedback Is Welcome.

Drained Colour

1.)    How does the use of colour within the make-up in these photographs make reference to traditional non-Western body decoration?

2.)    How equally or in-equally do you think these photographs convey my interest in contemporary make-up fashion and tribal body art?

3.)    What statement do you think these photographs make about ‘Vanity’?

Drained Colour

1.)    How does the use of colour within the make-up in these photographs make reference to traditional non-Western body decoration?

2.)    How equally or in-equally do you think these photographs convey my interest in contemporary make-up fashion and tribal body art?

3.)    What statement do you think these photographs make about ‘Vanity’?

Black Curse

1.)    How successful do you think these photographs are at reflecting both traditional, non-Western culture with contemporary Western styling?

2.)    How do you think the use of colour effects the impact of these photographs?

3.)    What statement do you think these photographs make about ‘Vanity’?

Black Curse

1.)    How successful do you think these photographs are at reflecting both traditional, non-Western culture with contemporary Western styling?

2.)    How do you think the use of colour effects the impact of these photographs?

3.)    What statement do you think these photographs make about ‘Vanity’?

Animal Print

1.)    How appropriate do you think the visual link is between non-Western animal patterns and Western fashion trends?

2.)    Do you think the styling of these photographs makes relevant links to fashion and make-up trends?  If so, how?

3.)    What statement do you think these photographs make about ‘Vanity’?

Animal Print

1.)    How appropriate do you think the visual link is between non-Western animal patterns and Western fashion trends?

2.)    Do you think the styling of these photographs makes relevant links to fashion and make-up trends?  If so, how?

3.)    What statement do you think these photographs make about ‘Vanity’?